Well it's 12:52 a.m. Monday morning... My first day back at work starts in about 7.5 hrs and I am on the couch with Brant and have no plans of going to bed or even trying to sleep. Earlier today Brant developed a rash that had me concerned that he was having an allergic reaction to one of the new medications his doctor prescribed him on Friday. So I call, explain it to the on call nurse and she consulted with someone else and called me back and they didn't think it was anything to be worried about- probably just a contact rash or heat rash and keep an eye on it. I wasn't totally convinced at that because he's been very fussy and crabby today at times which is just not him. If he's awake he's happy as can be and smiley. always. So I've kept an eye on it.
My mom, dad, Brent and Cody came over and had dinner tonight and the rash still had me concerned and my mom kept telling me he's fine babies get rashes. So tonight I just kept telling myself he's fine. he's fine. he's fine. I decided not to give him one of the medications (the one for constipation) tonight and just did the heart burn one and a little bit of tylenol. He was supposed to eat at 10:30ish but slept right through it. Darren was already in bed and my plan was to go to bed after feeding him. Then that's when it happened...
At about 11:30 he had a quick little heart rate drop to 88. I was in the laundry room so from the time the alarm went off to me running into the room he's had already recovered. So I thought eh no big deal he's had them before. He's fine. Then another one only this one lasted a touch longer. A few minutes later he went down to 78... his biggest one yet. And not only was it his biggest one, he would not recover from it. I picked him up was saying his name trying to wake him up, rubbing his back vigorously, his feet, shaking his hand and it took maybe 20 seconds to go back up to turn off the alarm. But even then I had to have him on my shoulder and me rubbing his back to keep him above the alarm threshold. I was FREAKED OUT. Didn't know what to do so I called the doctors office. She took down the information and sent it to Children's. About 5 minutes later a nurse from Children's called me and talked to me about him for a while. She said that because she didn't know him and his tendencies she couldn't make the call on if he should been seen by someone right away or not. About 5 minutes after getting off the phone with her she called me back and the PeaceHealth person I talked to actually called his doctor and told her what was going on even though she wasn't on call. She consulted with a few other physicians and they decided that since his oxygen sats and color was not changing that it wasn't urgent, just something to monitor. The Children's nurse said that they feel like maybe he's outgrown the settings on his monitor and since he was supposed to be seen by his pulmonary doctors a month ago to go over all of this stuff that's why I'm freaked out. She explained the normal numbers to me and they are going to do follow up with me this afternoon to see about changing the monitor settings. Now I'm even more annoyed that we couldn't get an earlier appointment!
She told me that if the alarm goes off again note how low it drops and how long it takes for him to recover and that if his color changes or his oxygen sats drop as well then call back. My question is how the heck are you supposed to go to sleep after that???? He is fine now- normal numbers but my eyes are glued to his monitor. Even if I tried to go to sleep it wouldn't happen. I apologize to my co-workers for all the yawning that is going to be coming from desk... and I will definitely be hitting up Starbucks on my way to work! Seriously Thursday cannot come soon enough now! I just want to get to Children's and have him be examined by his pulmonary doctors!
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